15 reasons why you should Date an Engineer

Looking at matchmaking an engineer? Here are 15 main reasons why you should:

1. Your mother and father will approve.

2. Might always have a pen when it’s needed. Just check behind their ear canal.

3. Cannot perform sobisexual women near me mathematics? Your own time would love to resolve those problems for you.

4. If you purchase a home with each other, it will likely be structurally seem.

5. Conflict quality are going to be reached in a relaxed, logical way.

6. No pretentious dining choices. Only keep the fridge stocked with beer.

7. The clocks on your own stove and DVD player will likely be ready and synched.

8. Engineers are always upwards for challenging.

9. Anxiety and stress in a connection is actually manageable. Designers never hightail it from difficulty.

10. No sluggish solutions to matchmaking here. Designers are prepared to «do it appropriate initially.»

11. You can easily joke about rubbing and gravitational attraction.

12. Have computer system problems? Your own time can kill «bugs» for you.

13. All those busted products in your home can get repaired — and perhaps enhanced.

14. Must chat late into the evening? Designers can handle all-nighters.

15. Engineers are accustomed to putting on rings. Merely sayin’.